Comments on: 11 Actionable Copywriting Tips to Boost Your Website Conversions ACQUIRE, CONVERT & ENGAGE YOUR WEBSITE VISITORS. Sun, 06 Feb 2022 21:52:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jabed Hasan Tue, 07 Jun 2016 15:49:41 +0000 Thanks for the sharp eye Jonathan. I just saw that and fixed it. Thanks again for deeply looking through the article.

By: Jonathan Guy Mon, 06 Jun 2016 11:42:28 +0000 Very good article Jabed, thanks for this.

With regards to #11, shouldn’t the Company name in #4 be Highrise without an ‘s’? As someone who writes thousands of words a week, I know all too well just how easy it is for something like this to slip through the net!

And #10 is for me the real killer. Far too much content on the web is all about features and not about benefits. People almost never buy features; if they did then our TV remotes would have eevn more buttons on them that they do already!


By: Joe Chierotti Thu, 02 Jun 2016 09:31:08 +0000 Awesomely insightful article Jabed. I was aware of the importance of good copyrighting and that it could help conversions, but I didn’t realize just how much of an impact it has on conversions. Some of the stats you provided caught me by surprise, for instance, that Highrises increased conversions by over 100% with the addition of a single image.

I’ve found the use of emotionally charged language can improve conversions. Is this a tactic that you recommend using? It seems like it would fit right in with your 11 actionable copyrighting tips.
